So we’ve got this project idea, to switch as much of our life as we can to renewable electric power. We’re not quite sure how specific or broad the scope will be. As we go along, we’ll work on immediate goals and plan for future improvements.
I think that’s a nice way to break it into manageable pieces while still dreaming of a bigger, better future.
To start with – in various amounts of feasibility vs. fantasy scheming – what are we trying to do?
1. Reduce our carbon footprint. And we’ll try to quantify this, although not every part of our footprint is obvious nor energy-related. And we’re still learning.
2. Focus on reducing our direct fossil fuel usage, especially in our normal living patterns. Energy for heating, cooling, cooking, powering appliances and devices. Driving.
We’ll need to commit additional attention to rarer but bigger events such as flying and cruising. Look into carbon offsets. Pay attention to our actions.
Keeping in mind that there will probably always be exceptions, like the occasional camp stove use when out in the wilderness. If the only fossil fuel use was exceptional (rocket launches may not have an alternative) I’m guessing the world would be doing OK overall.
3. More specifically: Remove propane from our living quarters. Remove diesel from our driving.
This is the heart of our initial idea for the All-Electric Project. Figure out how to live (and drive) on the road using only electricity.
4. Convert to renewable electricity sources, aiming for 100% eventually. Can we set a date for this? Will this be something where we’re relying on outside elements (e.g. utilities) for help?
5. Maintain and possibly expand our adventurous/nomadic lifestyle.
6. Consider our other effects on the environment beyond energy use: Water usage and waste disposal, food choices, trash and discarded items, etc. This has the potential to expand in scope as we go.
7. Look for ways we can make a larger impact by being part of other solutions.
8. Gather ideas from people we know and people we meet. We’ve experienced this great phenomenon where groups of people with common goals can learn a lot from each other and accomplish more than isolated individuals.
9. Document and publicize this process.
10. Well, I don’t actually have a #10 (yet) but I couldn’t very well end on #9. Right? I’ll call this space: To Be Determined.
That’s a start! We welcome feedback, ideas, suggestions, and especially stories that relate to what we’re trying to do. What do you think? Are we tilting at wind turbines?